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In an effort to provide more opportunities for Omega Brothers to "Dwell Together In Unity", socialize, and allow our families to spend time together, we have developed a summer social event that we call BYOBBQue. For the 5 months of the summer (April through August) we spend the second Saturday of the month in fellowship over some good Bar-B-Que at a Brother's house. The fifth month we end the summer with our annual Family Reunion and Back-to-School Bar-B-QUE in Sugarhouse Park, which is open to the public.
As not to put pressure on one Brother to supply all the food, drinks, and grills; we supply our own meat and drinks (i.e., BYO). This is also another opportunity for us to have our Quettes, Sweethearts, and "Omega Gents" (our mentees) included in our events. Likewise, we use this as an opportunity for interested men in Omega to attend so that the Brothers can learn more about them and for them to learn more about Omega men. "Friends of Tri-Iota" are welcomed.
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